Bishop Rose Hudson-Wilkin is giving Oasis of Peace UK’s 11th Rueff Lecture via Zoom on 29 October.
The lecture is titled “My Story is Your Story and Your Story is My Story”
The experience of Covid-19 which impacted across the world, has been a stark reminder that the walls we readily build (to keep us in or to keep others out) actually, does not work.
We have been rudely awakened to the reality that the control we thought we had (remember the slogan – ‘we were going to take back control’) we really did not have!
So, do we keep building higher walls and repeating the same slogans or do we engage with the world in a new way. The focus of this lecture will be about what that new engagement could look like and where it could take us as citizens of the world.
To attend this lecture
The lecture is on 29 October 2020, 6.30 pm via Zoom – to register, please visit the Oasis of Peace UK webpage.