We pray that we are reaching you and your family in good health, as this tumultuous time of pandemic, protest and polarization sweeps across so many of our societies. Amidst this all, we at Roots have been blessed to do some important work in these last few weeks – from Roots activists protesting outside the military court in Jaffa to our young adults preparing to take Roots message with them as they graduate and move on. We’ll share more about that below. We’re also looking towards the future, and below you’ll find an invitation to join our first ever Roots Run for Reconciliation! In this update please find: ▪ Roots Run for Reconciliation and how you can join the effort. This is our campaign to garner support for much of Roots activity in the next half-year, so please contribute, share the word or run in solidarity with us, along with 25 runners from across the world- from Korea to Los Angeles. ▪ A report on our end-of-year seminar and volunteer day with Roots Young Adults Program. We are so proud of these youth and excited about how they will carry our message forward. ▪ Our work seeking justice for Ahmad Manasra (obm). Ahmad was tragically killed by an IDF soldier last year. ▪ Upcoming online presentations including Roots presentations in the spirit of the Jewish High Holidays before Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in the next two weeks. Communities abroad have already started streaming Roots into their living rooms . ▪ Roots Run for Reconciliation and how you can join the effort. This is our campaign to garner support for much of Roots activity in the next half-year, so please contribute, share the word or run in solidarity with us, along with 25 runners from across the world- from Korea to Los Angeles. ▪ A report on our end-of-year seminar and volunteer day with Roots Young Adults Program. We are so proud of these youth and excited about how they will carry our message forward. ▪ Our work seeking justice for Ahmad Manasra (obm). Ahmad was tragically killed by an IDF soldier last year. ▪ Upcoming online presentations including Roots presentations in the spirit of the Jewish High Holidays before Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in the next two weeks. Communities abroad have already started streaming Roots into their living rooms. Both the archive of our past presentations and an in-depth list of our available presentations are on our website under the tabs: “Programs” and “Resources” www.friendsofroots.net |