
FODIP February 2022 Newsletter

  Announcing our exciting new project: Moving Forward!Corrymeela Centre, Ballycastle, NIWe are very excited to announce the launch of our new project -Tough Options:Moving Forward.This is an innovative pilot project led by FODIP and operating around Greater...

Abrahamic Reunion Newsletter February 2022

TalkMatters supports and promotes the Abrahamic Reunion, one of our founding associates. Here is the February 2022 newsletter from Abrahamic Reunion Dear Friends around the World,   We’re happy to bring you some updates on our Peacebuilding Work, including...

Jerusalem Youth Chorus Webinar – 23 Feb

Join TalkMatters global community on Wednesday 23rd February 2022 at 5-6.30pm   Meet some West and East Jerusalem musicians from the Jerusalem Youth Chorus, enjoy their music and discover how music can become a framework for difficult dialogue. Recorded in...

Breaking Barriers with FODIP

Breaking Barriers – Creating Conversations with FODIP – the Forum for Discussion of Israel and Palestine Are you aged between 14 – 24 years and interested in Palestine and Israel? TalkMatters is delighted to announce FODIP’s latest online...

Good News from The Abraham Initiatives

The Abraham Initiatives are thrilled to say that their model of Shared Learning between Jewish and Arab students has been officially recognized by the Israeli government. It is a real moment of hope for building positive Jewish-Arab relations through...