A few weeks ago, we enjoyed hosting our first live event celebrating TalkMatters’s third birthday. We know from feedback that our audience enjoyed it, too. We usually follow up every event with a recording. Unfortunately, we are not able to this time, so we have asked our speakers from the three co-operative Israeli-Palestinian initiatives to record a short message for you.
This week we bring a message from Jane Krivine, the Director of the Freddie Krivine Tennis Initiative. She spoke at our live event, and has kindly sent us this message for followers who were not able to join us at the event itself.
The Freddie Krivine Tennis Initiative
“Sport has the power to inspire and unite people” – Nelson Mandela
We heard how Jane Krivine’s father, Freddie Krivine loved tennis and set up a programme enabling Jewish and Arab children to learn and play together. After Freddie died, Jane with Lee Wilson and a team of volunteers continued his work. Now twenty years on, after-school clubs are thriving with children from both communities practising their language skills, playing cards and having fun. Lee Wilson described the joy felt as the children are joined by their Arab and Jewish parents to celebrate Religious festivals such as Ramadan and Chanukah.

Jane Krivine, formerly a classical music concerts manager and arts festival director, is the Executive Director of the Freddie Krivine Tennis Initiative. Jane’s father, Freddie Krivine (1920-2005) left England to settle in Israel in 1984, a lifelong tennis aficionado, he was elected President of the Israel Tennis Association in 1992. His dream, he said, was to see an Arab Israeli play at Wimbledon. And to that end he built and supported tennis courts and programmes in predominantly isolated Arab neighbourhoods. Jane settled in Israel in 2003, first to assist and then to continue her father’s work.
During our live event, The Freddie Krivine Tennis Initiative also played us two videos, introducing us to their work and showing some examples of what they have achieved. You can watch their videos below:
Donating to The Freddie Krivine Tennis Initiative
If you would like to donate to The Freddie Krivine Tennis Initiative, please see their donation details on their website, and copied below:
UK donors that wish to donate, are best to go to the online donation page The website organizes a Gift Aid rebate directly to your account, as a UK taxpayer that qualifies for gift aid this is the perfect way to donate.
- You can also donate with a cheque made out to UK Friends of Freddie Krivine Ltd (charity number: 1174172, registered in the UK) and mailed to: Michelle Barber, 46 Farm Avenue, London NW2 2BH, ENGLAND
For any further information about making a donation or other enquiries, please contact Jane Krivine, the Executive Director of the Freddie Krivine Tennis Initiative on janekrivine@gmail.com