Today the Interfaith Encounter Association pledge to continue their work in these difficult days. Below is their announcement and commitment to working through the difficult times we all face.

In these challenging days we are working on various levels. Our guiding principle is that current events stress the need to do more, therefore our main effort is to organize more groups of interfaith encounters and we do hope to see soon a few new ones resulting from these efforts.
Another way is the call initiated by Rabbis and Sheikhs active in one of our groups:
We, Rabbis, Imams, and other Muslim and Jewish people of faith, make this heartfelt declaration to our respective communities who believe in one God, who desires peace.
We are all believers in one God who has created all human beings.
We all believe in the severe prohibition against injuring someone because of their faith or religious affiliation.
We all believe in the values of fairness and honesty and yearn for a world of righteousness, compassion, and peace.
We all understand that as citizens of Israel it is incumbent upon us to live here together in a spirit of cooperation, fairness and mutual respect.
Even though there exist between us deep divisions in matters relating to religion and to statecraft, it is clear that we are all obligated to act at the very least according to the principle that “What is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor.”
For these reasons we declare in a loud voice:
- No to violence
- No to vandalism in general and to damaging holy places in particular
- No to blind hatred
- No to incitement in the name of religion
- We beseech you to remember that we are all children of Abraham our father, the man of faith and loving-kindness
- We will all act and pray for a better world in which “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore, and the earth will be full of the knowledge of God like waters cover the ocean”
The Interfaith Encounter Association אגודת המפגש הבין דתי جمعية اللقاء بين الديانات