A historical tour in the Old City of Beersheba. Students from Education Department May 2022
University Dialogue Courses
It’s been an especially hectic year for us at the universities. Not only did we conduct the largest number of university dialogue courses ever – eight courses at six different institutions – but academic campuses all over the country were in the frontline of a national political debate. Therefore, dialogues between Palestinian and Jewish students who study together, but normally don’t get much opportunity to speak together about political topics – were ever so meaningful and necessary. Read more about the university dialogue courses summary
School for Peace Graduates Conference Highlights Video
The strong impact of our March 2022 Inaugural Conference for School for Peace Graduates is still with us. We have already started to plan a second conference for next year, the theme for which we are currently choosing. Paying close attention to our graduates’ input on this will be key to the conference’s success, so we are now considering their many ideas. In the meantime, you can enjoy the short video summing up the conference from March, on the issue of “Separation versus Partnership in Activism”. Watch the video (English subtitles)
A major success in the struggle for bilingual education in Israel, with an School for Peace graduate co-leading it!
Mulyan is a School for Peace graduate from the “Leadership Course for Agents of Change in the Mixed Cities” and a key activist in the parents’ community of Haifa’s bilingual school. He recently spoke in the Knesset on the important struggle to gain recognition for the status of bilingual schools for Jews and Arabs in Haifa and in the rest of the country.
Read more about the bilingual schools struggle
Watch Gilad in the Knesset (Hebrew only)
Watch the Hand-in-Hand Schools video from the Knesset (English subtitles)

Completion of the Change Agents for Spatial and Historical Justice in the Israeli-Palestinian Context Course
conducted by the School For Peace in collaboration with Zochrot
“Thanks to this course I fell in love with the School for Peace and decided to continue straight to the group facilitation course. I feel the connection between the courses and how they complement one another.” This is a quote from one of the participants in the course that we also refer to as the “Tour Guides Course”.
We just celebrated the completion of this unique first-time course that was conducted in collaboration with the Zochrot organization. Zochrot, which was itself established by SFP graduates, focuses on raising awareness of the Palestinian Nakba amongst the Israeli public. In the course, Zochrot leads the component on learning about the Palestinian Nakba, while the School for Peace leads the acquisition of dialogue facilitation skills. Together, we trained 15 Jewish and Palestinian participants in this first cohort. During the course’s practical component, the participants designed and guided tours in four destroyed Palestinian villages. Read more about the course’s summary