Spring Newsletter 2022 BIG NEWS! In a very significant endorsement, Pearson the world’s largest educational publisher has adopted our dual narrative approach to teaching the history of the Middle East. We have entered into a partnership with them to create new GCSE and GCSE teaching materials which will come online in September. We retain copyright and a final say on the text.
This is a significant endorsement of our approach. The new materials come online from September 2022.Look at our numbers Demand for our products and services continue to grow in spite of the challenges faced by schools in the first quarter. The expectation was the schools would return to normal running and start to focus on preparing students for public exams this summer, but in reality absences among staff and students have continued to cause widespread disruption. Congratulations to the teachers who have still been able to make the time to attend our training and bring students to debate. We have added Miriam Tomusk to our team After finishing my history degree at Oxford my first job was at a school where I helped prepare students for studying at university. Since joining Parallel Histories, I’ve loved being able to further work in a role where I get to help shape students’ experiences of studying the past. In particular, it’s been very exciting to work on our new materials for Pearson, which will hopefully continue to steer the study of conflict history in new and exciting directions. As an Estonian national, watching events unfold in Ukraine over the past few weeks has felt especially close to home, and a reminder of the continuing significance of understanding the roots and development of conflict, from history to today. We continue to grow in Europe The Erasmus Parallel Histories team made up of teachers from France, Denmark, Belgium and Germany and the UK meet in Denmark to review progress.
There are new Parallel Histories programmes in development in German and English on the debate about whether the GDR was ‘unrechtsstaat’ (unlawful and unjust) and in Danish and English about the extent to which Danes collaborated or resisted Nazi occupation during WW2. And Théo Cohen’s students in Lyons continue to study and debate the history of ‘The Troubles’ in English. Coming soon We have a debating programme on Stalin being added to our Historical Figures series. In this debate, students will have the opportunity to debate the question ‘Was Stalin a great leader?’.
Click the image to preview our debate video. Support our work Help us grow the number of schools that we work with and we will ensure that the teachers are equipped with the skills to prepare their students to become good citizens in healthy pluralistic democracies. Support our work