We have written to all the people on our database to tell them about the important work that initiatives in Israel and Palestine are doing, and to encourage them to give their support. This is what we said:
We want to assure you that TalkMatters believes that the work you do is essential. And that we empathise with you at this critical time when we are all threatened by the weakening powers of the judiciary and by the recent pronouncements of the Education Ministry.
What TalkMatters does
Despite the dire political situation, TalkMatters continues to provide information that often goes unheard in the UK media. We do that by telling inspiring stories of grassroots cooperative projects that encourage Jewish and Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, as well as Palestinian residents in the Palestinian Territories to meet through a shared interest in education, music, ecology, hi-tech, religion, sport, etc.
TalkMatters holds events, hosts webinars, runs a lively website, maintains the Directory, posts regularly on social media, gives talks writes articles and interviews informing the UK public of what’s happening on the ground in Israel-Palestine. We want to include more information from all initiatives and are asking that you send us more information.
Spreading the message and improving understanding in the UK
In the UK it is important to deepen the understanding of the two narratives. Sadly, it is common for people to make connections between British Jews and the oppression of Palestinians and also between Muslims and terrorism. This pernicious ‘othering’ reduces us all to stereotypes and leads to anti-Zionism being muddled up with anti-semitism and anti-Muslim hatred.
But it isn’t always easy. Like you, we are the gap in the middle – the hardest place to be because we can be attacked from both sides. Palestinians say that we are propaganda for Israel and Jewish people say we are unrealistically whitewashing the problems away. We deny both opinions: if we challenge the established thinking on both sides, we must be doing something right!
Together we must keep on striving to have the right people and institutions in place for when the new day eventually dawns. A day that celebrates Palestinian freedom and independence alongside a secure Jewish homeland in Israel.
What each initiative can do
- Check your entry for in the TalkMatters Directory – let us know if we can improve or update your details
- Let us know if you are coming to the UK so we can arrange for you to speak to our supporters
- Please send us your latest news, add us to your mailing list, and send us your calendar of events by email to hello@talkmatters.info so that we can publicise them and spread the word
- We would love to meet you on social media – please say hello – we’re @TalkMattersInfo on Twitter and TalkMattersInfo on Facebook.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Jenny Nemko and the TalkMatters Team