The New Israel Fund (NIF) advances democracy and equality in Israel. NIF is a partnership of Israelis and supporters of Israel worldwide, dedicated to its founders’ vision of a society that ensures complete equality to all its inhabitants. NIF is based on a simple idea: individuals who care about Israel and believe in progressive values can join together to work for an Israel in where everyone is treated with dignity, for an Israel in that a shared society can truly take root, for an Israel in that Jewish life is inclusive in every respect. We provide funding to civil society organisations in Israel, develop and seed new ones and thanks in large part to our action arm Shatil, the New Israel Fund’s Initiative for Social Change we are one of the leading advocates for democratic values – building the coalitions and empowering the activists that can drive meaningful social change in Israel. We work across six key issue areas: Shared Society & Combating Racism, Human Rights & Democracy, Palestinian Society, Social & Economic Justice, Religious Freedom, and New Initiatives for Democracy.