
Jerusalem Youth Chorus

The Jerusalem Youth Chorus is a choral and dialogue program for Israeli and Palestinian youth, ages 13-18. Our mission is to provide a space for these young people from East and West Jerusalem to grow together in song and dialogue. Through the co-creation of music and the sharing of stories, we empower them with the responsibility to speak and sing their truths, as they become leaders in their communities and inspire singers and listeners around the world to work for peace, justice, inclusion, and equality. Our program provides a transformative experience for our singers that yields both friendship and understanding on an individual and collective level across lines of religion, nationality , language, and culture. We go beyond simply singing together, delving deeper into one another’s identities, life experiences, communal narratives, religious traditions, and national histories through dialogue, all within the safe space of the musical ensemble and the strong personal bonds and community it creates.  www.jerusalemyouthchorus.org.

Jerusalem Youth Chorus

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