The Hebrew University of Jerusalem encompasses the mosaic of religions, languages, ethnicities, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds that make up Israeli society. The University believes that this rich diversity is a precondition for academic excellence, critical examination, intellectual stimulation, and the cultivation of the next generation of Israeli and regional leaders. HUJI is increasingly a meeting place for students from the Jewish and Arab societies: in the past 15 years, the percentage of Arab students at the University has doubled. Notably, the number of Palestinian students from East Jerusalem has spiked in recent years. For many Jews and Arabs, the university classroom presents a unique, and for most, a first, opportunity to meet and interact as equals over an extended period. HUJI is determined to leverage its advantages as a locus of study, research and cooperation between the Arab and Jewish-Israeli societies. Women circles, leadership programs, language exchange program an Interfaith study group and special legal and urban clinics are some examples.

The University also created the Center for the Study of Multiculturalism and Diversity (CSMD). The first academic center of its kind in Israel, CSMD explores issues of multiculturalism and diversity on academic and practical levels, supports research and academic discussion, develops students’ cultural sensitivities and tolerance, promotes courses and clinics on theories of multiculturalism and their critiques on Israeli society and offers academic events and programs related to the diversity of cultures represented on our campuses.