
Watch The Teachers’ Lounge webinar

The Teachers’ Lounge is an annual enrichment programme for Jerusalem’s teachers and educators. The programme aims to improve the climate of Jerusalem’s multicultural life by nurturing tolerance and mobilising against racism and prejudice. Recognised by the...

Summer Newsletter – Hand in Hands Schools

Hand in Hand recently took a critical step forward, helping to organize a major conference at the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) on shared and bilingual education. Knesset Member Gilad Kariv announced a bill to ensure state support for integrated schools in any mixed...

Summer Newsletter: School for Peace, NSWaS

A historical tour in the Old City of Beersheba. Students from Education Department May 2022 University Dialogue Courses It’s been an especially hectic year for us at the universities. Not only did we conduct the largest number of university dialogue courses ever...

FODIP Newsletter July 2022

Dear Friends and SupportersI hope you are not too badly affected by the extreme temperatures which many of us have been experiencing. While these are unprecedented levels in the UK, I am sure many of us will have endured this heat in Israel/Palestine. This does remind...

2nd Birthday Celebration Videos

To celebrate the second birthday of TalkMatters we asked some of our associated organisations and followers the simple question: “Why is TalkMatters important to you?”… and here is what they said: 1 – Aviva Aviva is one of TalkMatters’s...