
Over 80% of the Israeli & Palestinian population identify themselves as affiliated to a community of faith within an Abrahamic tradition. This makes affinity to religion the greatest common denominator between peoples of the Holy Land.

This commonality of faith serves as a bridge upon which individuals and communities can find mutual respect, understanding and ultimately, peace.

A Bridge To Peace

The IEA was founded during the height of the 2nd Intifada. It’s operational concept is simple and effective, to bring together people of faith estranged by sectarian divides and engage them in direct interpersonal encounters. Under the faciliatory support of the IEA, this model of encounter has become a leading means of interfaith & intergroup dialogue in the region.

The IEA’s methods have become the subject of research from academic institutes including Harvard, Bar Ilan and DePaul Universities. Multi-year studies from these institutes have affirmed with veracity the efficacy of the IEA’s encounter model for transformative positive change.