
Hand in Hand recently took a critical step forward, helping to organize a major conference at the Knesset (Israeli Parliament) on shared and bilingual education. Knesset Member Gilad Kariv announced a bill to ensure state support for integrated schools in any mixed Jewish-Arab region in Israel.
Today, this proposal is still a bill, but the importance of expanding shared education in Israel is essential.
This past year has indeed been one of hurdles and opportunities. Educators renewed their work. Community organizers brought us back together, strengthening trust and solidarity The affirmative impact has been a galvanizing reminder of the importance of our mission.
With great pride, I wish a huge congratulations to all Hand in Hand graduates, including the first graduating class of our Haifa Elementary School. With blessings for the future, we hope our graduates know that Hand in Hand will always be a home for them.
Thank you to Hand in Hand staff for your excellence and warmth. Thank you to our supporters and friends for sticking with us during these turbulent times that we’re all living through.
http://hand in hand schools